The teenage years can be tough—especially with acne
When you think of acne, you might instantly think of the preteen or teenage years.
That’s because young people ages 12 to 17 have lots of hormone fluctuations. Going through puberty, having your first period, and growing into a more adult body—these are all signs that hormones are surging.
That can also cause acne to pop up!
Acne isn’t anyone’s fault. Your teen can’t cause their own acne by eating chocolate, having long hair, or forgetting to wash their face. It all comes down to hormones.
Ways you can help
Understand the emotional impact of acne
Acne can take a toll on more than just appearances.
Acne can also lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and other emotional or mental difficulties.
Stress by itself doesn’t cause acne.
But stress may cause your hormones to fluctuate, possibly leading to breakouts. And, feeling stressed by acne can contribute to slower healing and other factors that can worsen breakouts.
The longer acne lasts, the more likely it is to affect your child’s emotions.
That’s why it’s important to let them know they aren’t alone in experiencing acne, and to help them treat and prevent acne when possible.
Help them establish a healthy skin care routine
1. Cleanser
Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and makeup.
2. Prescription and over-the-counter treatments
If you use a prescription or over-the-counter skin care product, like an acne treatment, this should be used right after cleansing. Many treatments can’t penetrate through other products so by using it first, you may be able to get the most benefit from it. Be sure to follow any instructions from your dermatology professional.
3. Moisturizer
Using a daily moisturizer can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated. This step can be extra important when using some prescription acne treatments that may be drying.
4. Sunscreen
It’s important to use an SPF every morning to protect your skin from sun damage.
You can help your teen build their own customized skin care routine.
Visit a dermatology professional

If your child or teen has tried a couple over-the-counter options like cleansers or creams, and is still dealing with acne, it might be time to talk to a dermatology professional.
There are prescription options that can help address this issue and help your teen get back to feeling like themselves.
Help make the most of your teen’s dermatology appointment with these helpful tips.
What not to do at your teen's appointment

Check out a different kind of acne treatment that targets acne hormones in the skin.

AH-ha! Moments
Dr. Pimple Popper answers:
How are teens affected by acne?